Research by Sangita Vyas

Research by Sangita Vyas

Child health impacts of coal: Evidence from India's Coal Expansion

Child health impacts of coal: Evidence from India's Coal Expansion

What are the child health and human capital consequences of India’s large coal power expansion? Using variation in local coal capacity within place across cohorts, I find that exposure to a median-sized coal plant at birth is associated with a 0.1 standard deviation child height deficit. This paper is forthcoming in Journal of Human Resources.

Sanitation and religion in South Asia: What accounts for differences across countries?

Sanitation and religion in South Asia: What accounts for differences across countries?

This paper estimates how much the rate of open defecation would be reduced if rural households in regions that have a higher fraction of Hindus, where open defecation is still common, altered their behaviour to reflect that of non-Hindu households in regions that are predominantly non-Hindu, where the rate of open defecation is much lower.